
At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience. You’ll have the opportunity to generate innovative design and business solutions.


of recent graduates
started new job


degree programs


years of history

Campus Information

At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts.

Graduate Programs

At Estudiar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience.

We’re now eleven years into our experiment and incredibly proud of the outcome. We’ve educated over 875 students between 2009-2020 through in-person programs.

A d m i s s i o n & A i d

At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts.

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.

Scholarship Programs

At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills and build a network of industry contacts.

Tuition & Fees

This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of a Make School Education while preserving the core protections of ISAs – if you don’t have a job after Make School, you should not have to pay until you are employed.

Tuition Costs,

  • Fall 2020 $15,000
  • Spring 2021 $15,000
  • Summer 2021 $10,000
  • Fall 2021 $15,000
  • Spring 2022 $15,000


$ 75,000

Tuition Costs,

  • Fall 2021 $10,000
  • Spring 2021 $10,000
  • Summer 2022 $15,000
  • Fall 2022 $25,000
  • Spring 2023 $25,000


$ 85,000


Our students create a vibrant and inclusive community

The Campus

At Estuidar University, we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience. You’ll have the opportunity to generate innovative design and business solutions.

Sports and Activities

This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of a Make School Education while preserving the core protections of ISAs – if you don’t have a job after Make School, you should not have to pay until you are employed.

News & Events

Foro estrés académico

Foro estrés académico Disfrutamos de una jornada increíble donde exploramos estrategias para manejar el estrés académico . Reflexionamos sobre cómo cuidar nuestra

20 Años UCRISH

20 AÑOS UCRISH En estos 20 años, la Universidad Ucrish ha transformado vidas y comunidades, formando profesionales en diversas áreas. Desde sus

Global Student II Edición

Global Student II Edición Una conferencia internacional que conecta a estudiantes con expertos de talla mundial 🌟🎤. Aquí exploramos temas clave como

Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?

Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?

Autoridades Académicas

Saludos y bendiciones, nuevos estudiantes. En esta comunidad académica, encontrarás un ambiente que fomenta el crecimiento espiritual y el desarrollo profesional. ¡Bienvenidos a la Universidad Cristiana de Honduras!
[email protected]

Lcda. Elsi Zelaya

Vicerrectoría Académica

En nombre de la Universidad Cristiana de Honduras, extendemos un cálido saludo a todos los estudiantes que se unen a nuestra comunidad. Que este camino académico esté lleno de aprendizaje, amistades duraderas y bendiciones.
[email protected]

Lic. Oscar Santos

Secretaría General

Que la paz y la gracia les acompañen en cada paso de su viaje universitario. Bienvenidos a la Universidad Cristiana de Honduras, donde la educación y la fe se entrelazan para formar líderes con propósito.

Lcda. Yoselin Cruz

Dirección Blearning
